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The Role Children can Play in Divorce Decisions

  • This info-graphic titled ‘The Role Children can Play in Divorce Decisions’ provides us an overview of kids role in avoiding parents’ divorce/separation.  A separation or divorce is a highly stressful and emotional happening for everyone involved, but children often feel that their entire world has turned upside down. At any age, it can be unhealthy to witness the dissolution of your parents’ union and the breakup of the family. You can dramatically cut down your children’s pain by devising their well-being your top priority.

    Parents involved in a separation and divorce often wonder if the children should be concerned in the process of creating the new reality for the family. On the one hand, the change has intense impact on every aspect of a child’s life and changes his or her life eternally.  Because of that, children often demand input. On the other hand, separation and divorce involve a lot of grownup issues, there is no doubt that aspect to conflict between parents has a negative impact on kids and often children do postulate the stress of having to make decisions about their parents, which can sometimes mean making decisions on behalf of their parents. For more information, please refer to the info-graphic below.


