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How to Manifest Your Life

  • For example, a friend of mine who was going to school ran out of money. She was one year away from graduating from a prestigious school at the time. If she had the money or went to a bank to get the money and continued, that would have been good planning. Instead, someone passed away, leaving a totally unexpected inheritance to a third friend, who then loaned her the money so she could finish school. This was unexpected, and a total surprise. How many people do you know who loan each other a $7,000 windfall? This was a miracle, not planning. This often happens that money comes from unexpected sources, like a refund from my mortgage bank or from my tax collector at just the time that I need it. Or, a bill I have been paying for years will suddenly, for no apparent reason to me, be reduced so that I have just the money I need for something I thought was going to be out of reach. Millionaire’s Brain Academy Review

    When I say it is a spiritual event, I don't mean that you have to be a saint and go to church and do good deeds every day. I do mean that you have to believe in a spiritual realm and have faith that this realm is on your side.

    Another example is that every day I travel over 200 miles, sometimes in a car that is over 10 years old because it is comfortable and economical to drive. Every day I pray that we all get to our destinations and home again safely and in one piece. On vacation a while ago, I was hit, while in town going slowly, in a fender bender by another woman. I was not distressed, believing that the Universe always has my back, and took the car to our body shop for advice. As it turned out, the police blamed the other woman and our car was repaired for free. However, he also noticed a funny noise from one of the wheels. It turned out that the bearings were shot and if they weren't repaired, we could have a terrible accident at our normal highway speed. Since the insurance was paying for a rental car, we were able to get the wheel repaired during the time we had the rental, and only paid for the cost of that work. http://millionairesbrainacademypdfreview.com/

