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CPR Training is Important for Everyone

  • Who hasn’t known about Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation at some point of time in their life? You must have heard about it in news, learned about its importance in school, etc. But do you realize what it takes to save a victim’s life through this technique. Pumping the victim’s chest before the medical help arrives is of great importance, as it increases the chance of survival.

    Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation, or commonly known as CPR, is a life-saving skill that everyone should have. It is important that everyone should know how to perform this technique when an individual’s breathing or heartbeat suddenly stops. Brain damage could be caused within minutes of cardiac arrest and till the time medical help arrives the chances of victims’ survival decreases. You never know when your skills can be helpful to save a person’s life. So, the benefits of knowing and performing cardio-pulmonary resuscitation to save a person’s life are endless.

    It is not a tough thing to learn, with proper training, you can become a skilled first responder. It has proven to improve the chances of survival rate for the victims when given properly and immediately. CPR training allows you to be prepared in an emergency situation, whether a paramedics arrives.

    Why you should learn CPR?
    • Being knowledgeable with this technique boosts a safer environment for all employees.
    • People who have received such training can give chest compression and rescue breaths.
    • It gives you the confidence and ability to save a life.
    • Leads people to step up in emergency situations.
    Understanding the importance and benefits of this technique is the first step in helping the community. Take a step ahead and get CPR training! Help others life and spread the importance of this technique. Save a life!

