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What to Ask When Interviewing a Business Attorney?

  • When it comes to running a successful business, having a reliable and knowledgeable attorney on your team is essential. However, finding the right attorney can be an overwhelming task. With so many options available, how do you know which one is best for your business? The answer lies in asking the right questions during the interview process. As a business owner or manager, it's important to understand what to ask when interviewing a potential business attorney.

    When looking to hire a business attorney, there are several key questions that should be asked during the interview process. First and foremost, it's important to ask about their experience and expertise in the specific area of law relevant to your business needs. This could include areas such as contracts, intellectual property, or employment law. Additionally, it's important to inquire about their availability and communication style - will they be accessible when needed and provide regular updates on your case? Another crucial question is regarding fees - what is their billing structure like and how do they handle unexpected expenses? Lastly, asking for references or past client testimonials can give insight into the attorney's track record of success. For more detail, please refer to the info-graphic below.


