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How Long Does It Take to See Results After Gastric Plication?

  • Gastric plication is a surgical procedure gaining popularity as a weight loss solution. If you're considering this procedure, one of the common questions that may arise is, "How long does it take to see results after Gastric Plication in Dubai?" In this article, we'll explore the timeline of results after gastric plication and discuss various factors that can influence the speed and effectiveness of your weight loss journey.


    Gastric plication, also known as laparoscopic gastric imbrication, is a minimally invasive weight loss surgery that involves folding and suturing the stomach to create a smaller gastric capacity. This procedure reduces the stomach's volume, resulting in feelings of satiety with smaller food portions. Unlike other weight loss surgeries, such as gastric bypass or gastric sleeve, gastric plication does not involve removing any part of the stomach.

    What is Gastric Plication?

    Gastric plication works by reducing the stomach's size and restricting the amount of food it can hold. The surgeon folds the stomach inward, creating pleats, and then secures the folds with sutures or staples. This procedure reduces the stomach's volume by around 70-80%, making it possible for patients to feel full after consuming smaller meals.

    The Process of Gastric Plication

    During the gastric plication procedure, which is typically performed laparoscopically, the surgeon makes several small incisions in the abdomen. They insert a laparoscope, a thin tube with a camera, and specialized surgical instruments through these incisions. The laparoscope provides a visual guide, allowing the surgeon to fold and suture the stomach accurately.

    The procedure generally takes around one to two hours to complete, depending on the patient's specific needs and the surgeon's expertise. It is performed under general anesthesia, ensuring a comfortable and pain-free experience for the patient.

    Expected Results After Gastric Plication

    The results of gastric plication can vary from person to person. While some individuals may experience rapid weight loss, others may progress at a slower pace. It's important to understand that gastric plication is not a magical overnight solution for weight loss. It requires commitment, lifestyle adjustments, and patience to achieve long-term success.


    Initial Weight Loss After Gastric Plication

    In the initial stages following gastric plication, patients typically experience a significant drop in weight. This weight loss is a result of the reduced stomach capacity and the necessary dietary modifications. While individual results may vary, it's common to observe a weight loss of 20-30% of excess body weight within the first three to six months after the surgery.

    Medium-term Results and Lifestyle Adjustments

    As you progress beyond the initial stage, the rate of weight loss may stabilize, and you will need to focus on making long-term lifestyle adjustments. This includes adopting healthy eating habits, incorporating regular exercise, and maintaining a consistent follow-up with your healthcare team. By maintaining these habits, you can continue to achieve steady weight loss over the course of the next several months.

    Long-term Outcomes and Sustained Weight Loss

    Gastric plication has shown promising long-term outcomes in terms of sustained weight loss. Over time, as you continue to follow a healthy lifestyle and adhere to your post-operative guidelines, you can achieve and maintain your desired weight. It's important to note that individual results may vary, and it is crucial to be patient and committed to the process.

    Psychological Effects and Improved Well-being

    In addition to the physical changes, gastric plication can have a positive impact on psychological well-being. Many individuals experience improved self-esteem and body image as they successfully shed excess weight. The reduction in weight-related health issues and improved overall health also contribute to a better quality of life.

