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The msb can be a bit faster than the MSB

  • Is it better to RuneScape Gold train both with the Controlled Option instead? Which weapon should you use if I choose the Controlled Option? I am currently F2P. Which one is better? You can either train all your abilities at the same time or just one skill at a time. The idea is to work on Attack and Defence until they are 70, then only Strength and then become a Barrows Pure.

    The msb can be a bit faster than the MSB. For every one dark bow shot, it takes about three shots from the msb. But, since the darkbow fires 2 bows simultaneously, the number that hits your opponent in the exact the same time differs only by 1. You will hit more when using the dark bow and the black d’hide than with the Msb.

    The dark bow is a better option as it hits higher and gives you more points. Use the msb when you are in areas with a lot of people. I've heard that thieves can take your monster away from the gap in time between the dark bow and the msb.

    I have not personally used an archery bow that was dark and I'm not in the 70-70 range. I'm merely referring to the opinions of others about it. Sorry to say, but it seems that you don't have any information about range, therefore I wouldn't place too much faith on you. This doesn't mean that you will achieve higher scores, it simply means that you are more accurate.

    The dark bow isn't slow, I have seen it. To steal someone's monster you must complete the task in just 10 seconds. Not the 4 to 6 seconds required for the dark bow to 2007 RS Items fire. For dark bows, you need only 60 ranged. Thank you for trying to assist.

