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Natural Healing Powers

  • Practicing two very different forms of treatment massage, Traditional Chinese Massage and Physical Therapy plus Oriental Aromatherapy Massage and Bodywork, has been a Pure Natural Healing Review satisfying and most rewarding occupation. Having studied both conventional medicine and a combination of both Eastern and Western medicine, I have found that my preference lies in the latter. This is not because I am anti conventional medicine but because I have experienced the "vis medicatrix naturae" (the healing force of nature) as being much more effective.


    Activating, releasing and unmasking the body's own natural healing power is far more clinically efficacious. This system of both prevention and healing through Traditional Chinese Massage techniques (no oil required) treats every clinical situation as fundamentally a stress problem and has the deliberate intention of realigning and reintegrating the body's own natural healing resources in a unique and powerful way. By approaching each person as an individual with unique requirements, a specific massage can be customized and powerfully effective through acupressure, soft tissue mobilization as well as gentle holistic techniques for acute or chronic ailments such as frozen shoulder, wry neck, and even sprained ankles.




    Each massage is approached with a global mind-set based on an understanding of the interactive relationships between different parts of the body and the way in which they each contribute to the whole being's response to the demands placed upon it. Having this approach facilitates two entirely different therapeutic strategies - firstly, reducing the stress load on the patient's body by removing harmful environmental stimuli and/or strengthening the body against future encroachment, secondly, increasing the resources of the patient - by making the whole body and its functions and processes more physiologically efficient.

