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So You Want To Manifest?

  • Manifestation Miracle Review My question was, "Why is it that I seem to clearly understand the intention-manifestation process and can sometimes apply it to achieve wonderful results, but other times I cannot seem to focus enough on what I want without also harboring thoughts of what I don't want?" Then I waited for the answer to arrive. And as usually occurs when I do this sort of thing, within a couple days I started noticing some interesting synchronicities. They were all instances of an early 1980s TV show called The Greatest American Hero. References to this show kept popping up around me, even though I hadn't even thought about that show for years. That was one of my favorite shows when I was 10 years old, so I still remembered it well. And it gave me the answer I was looking for.

    If you aren't familiar with the show, it's about a high school teacher named Ralph who gets a visit from a UFO. The aliens give him a super suit which gives him powers, including flight, invisibility, and psychometry. The only problem is that he loses the instruction manual that came with the suit. So while he's able to figure out and use some of the powers, he does so very badly. When he flies he's always flapping his arms hysterically and crashing into things like walls, trees, and cars.

    That answer made a lot of sense to me. Essentially the answer was, "Yes, intention-manifestation is a special power that humans http://manifestationmiraclereviews.co/ possess, but you don't fully understand how to use it yet." It's like having Ralph's super suit without the instruction manual. You can still apply it, but only badly. When I put out intentions to receive answers, they often come back in the form of synchronicities that lead to information, sometimes in symbolic form. Usually the symbols are obvious and easy to interpret.


